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Chamber Blog

Keeping our members informed on the region, best business practices, and marketing. The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce is now accepting articles from members to post as blogs on the Chamber’s website. These should contain useful information relevant to your industry and might solve a problem member companies may be having or alert members to and describe a new trend. You will get by-line credit for writing the article and we encourage you to include a brief bio about yourself and your business or organization. These are not intended to be a sales pitch. All articles must be approved by the Chamber staff before they are posted to the website. Depending on the number of submissions, we reserve the right to schedule articles for later postings. If you have questions or would like to submit an article contact Nick Sharps at or (301) 387-5237.
Monday, April 3, 2023
4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Top Employee

Teddy Roosevelt is credited for having said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." And so it is that we are often our biggest impediment to success, especially as business owners. We spend hours helping customers and often don’t show ourselves the same assistance (Oh, doctor, heal thyself.). If you’re wondering what this advice has to do with your “top employee,” you need this article more than you realized. In a time of rising costs

Christina R. Metcalf

Monday, May 23, 2022
5 Professionals You Need on Your Small Business Team

If you’re a small business owner without the resources to hire a large full-time team, you can still meet your business needs through freelancing or turning to independent business professionals. This can be an economical way to accomplish your goals without having to cover the cost of full-time employees. Even if your budget is strapped, a successful business requires the services of the following types of professionals. These professionals do things that you don’t need to (or shouldn’t be doing on your

Christina R. Metcalf

Monday, January 10, 2022
New Year, New You, New Biz: Find Your Motivation in 2022

If you’re like me—and almost everyone else in this country—the end of the year is a time to look back and assess. I enjoy the nostalgia and reminiscing that occurs at this time of year, but it can also be a time of dread. It’s a time to realize you either hit the mark or you didn’t. And if you did, you may be apprehensive about being able to do it again in the new year. So, we make resolutions. We tell ourselves we’re going to do X differently this year. And most of us fall short of X because we forget

Christina R. Metcalf

Monday, November 22, 2021
Small Business Season Checklist

Are you participating in Small Business Saturday—or better yet—Small Business Season, where you encourage people to shop small throughout the holiday and not just on the day after Black Friday? If so, you might be scrambling right now trying to put together last-minute touches on what you hope will be a hot time of year for your business. If you’re wondering how you should spend your hours leading up to Small Business Saturday and what you need for the biggest shopping season of the year, we have a

Christina R. Metcalf

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