Celebrate the cultural heritage of Celtic peoples from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany and Galicia and their influence on Appalachia with a daylong festival and series of workshops for youth by the bonnie banks of the Youghiogheny River in the Town Park in Friendsville, Maryland.
Family friendly event featuring traditional and contemporary Celtic music, Irish and Scottish dancing, Highland athletes, Pipe & Drum bands, Clans, living history and educational presentations, Celtic Marketplace, Bairns (Children’s) activities area, and many activities planned throughout the day. Bring the family!
New this year: workshops for youth and young adults in instrumental music and singing, dance, storytelling and writing, historical presentation.
Only 15 minutes from the Deep Creek Lake resort area.
Sponsored in part by the Garrett County Arts Council, Community Trust Fund of Cumberland, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, Mountain Maryland: Gateway to the West

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 4, 2022
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
9:30am – 6pm
Friendsville Town Park, Old River Rd, Friendsville, MD 21531
Adults over 18: $20 ($15 in advance)
Youth Ages 13- 18: $10
Children 12 and under: free
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