Saturday, November 25, 2023, is officially Small Business Saturday in the United States. Last year, Small Business Saturday drove an estimated $17.9 billion based on projections from U.S. consumer reported spending. This Small Business Saturday we encourage you to Shop Local! A number of our Chamber members are offering special deals, discounts, and giveaways for shoppers who decide to spend their money in our great little community.
Keep your eyes on this page for a complete list of participating members and the deals, discounts, and prizes they're offering for Small Business Saturday 2023.
According to Civil Economics: Andersonville Study of Retail Economics – for every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community. There are plenty of reasons to shop local:
• You create local jobs
• You invest in and reward entrepreneurship
• You build relationships with your neighbors
• Sales taxes collected from your purchases stay in the community
• You minimize economic impact by consuming less fuel and packaging
The money you spend at local businesses has a BIG impact. Everyone benefits—from your neighbors who own and operate local businesses to the municipalities who maintain your roads and fund the school system. Everyone benefits, including you! When you shop local you help create a healthier economy and a happier community.
Participating businesses include: A Mountain Fix, Appalachian Print Studio, Backbone Food Farm, Backbone Hemp, LLC, Bear Creek Traders, Bougie Bottoms Boutique, Byco Enterprises, Inc., Christmas Chalet, CurlyRed Inc., Deep Creek Lavender Farm, Deep Creek Pottery, Deep Creek Wine Tastings, Diehl's Ford Sales, Energy Select, LLC, Garrett County Health Department, Herbal Earth Apothecary, Julie Mead - Railey Realty, LakeFront Lodge, Little Crossings Pantry & Grant's Mercantile, Marsh Hill Mercantile/The Studio, Meadow Mountain Hemp, Narrows Hill LLC, Rudy's Clothing, Savage River Lodge, Team One GMC Chevrolet, The Cornucopia Café, The Perfect Pear, LLC, The Root Café, The Tourist Trap, Town Planner Community Calendar
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday, November 25 is Small Business Saturday. Some businesses participating in our Shop Local promotion have extended their deals to before and after Saturday, November 25, 2023.
Members participating in our Shop Local promotion can be found all over Garrett County. Click here to view the flyer including all the deals, discounts, and giveaways on offer for Small Business Saturday!
Contact Information
Nick Sharps
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