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    Potomac-Garrett State Forest


    Forests & ParksBikingCampingHikingParks, Nature Centers & Recreation

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    This forest contains 12,400 acres of trees, streams and wildlife. It is located along Backbone Mountain, near the headwaters of the historic Potomac River. The terrain is rugged with elevations ranging from 1,800 feet along the Potomac to 2,960 feet on Backbone Mountain.

    This steep gradient has numerous fast falling brooks and streams which feed the river. Several of the larger streams are Schell, Laurel, Lostland Run and Crabtree Creek. The possibilities for recreation in the forest are, for the most part, of a primitive nature.

    It offers scenic vistas, camping, hunting, fishing, biking, and nature appreciation. Various activities are offered throughout the year. Pets are a welcome addition.

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