Speaking Your Way to the Top
It’s estimated 74% of people fear speaking in public, while only 68% are afraid of death. What does that tell you? Speaking in public, for most of us, is a fate worse than death. Facing your fears and moving past your comfort zone is a popular topic for keynote speakers and life coaches right now, but never has facing your fears been more important to your career and business than in the area of public speaking. If you want your business to be remembered and you want to establish yourself as a thought
Christina R. Metcalf
Tips for Pivoting Professionally: breaking into a new industry
There's been a lot of information about the need to pivot during COVID-19. Many businesses have switched what they produced or altered their services to fit the new demands of their audience. But sometimes it's not your business that needs to pivot. it might be something you've been thinking about doing professionally. If you want to switch industries and you have little to no experience, here are some tips that can help you pivot professionally.
Christina R. Metcalf