An Effective E-mail Nurture Campaign for Small Business Season
It's small business season and if you're part of a small business you're probably looking for ways to make the most of your Q4. While mega retailers and big business are slashing prices, that's not the best way for you to be competitive. Small businesses often operate on smaller reserves and slashing prices to the point of taking a loss decreases the revenue you're bringing in. You need something that builds on connections. That’s the small business superpower. One of the best ways to do this is through an
Christina Metcalf
Small Business Season’s Secret Weapon: Email
Okay, so this might not be a “secret” weapon, but email marketing can help extend the push to shop small that began on Small Business Saturday. These types of gentle reminders can keep customers buying from you all season (and all year) long. You just need a couple of great ideas, an email marketing tool (like Constant Contact), and of course an email list.
Christina R. Metcalf