25 Marketing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Today
If recovery is right around the corner, now is the ideal time to revisit your marketing strategy and plan. Making critical changes now can bring you into alignment to make the most of recovery. Plus, it’s possible the needs and desires of your target audience have changed. Asking yourself the following questions about your business and marketing can help ensure that you have the data and information you need to make the most of the looming recovery.
Christina R. Metcalf
Change These 3 Things in Your Business Now for a Stronger Recovery
With numbers of COVID infections increasing daily in many states, people are wondering when it will end and when we can begin to start feeling confident in an economic recovery. No one knows for sure when recovery will begin. In the meantime, there are a few things we know about how business and customers have changed. You can use that knowledge to restructure your marketing in order to better position your business for a stronger recovery.
Christina R. Metcalf